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Our policies.

Booking, adjustments and cancelling.

We have a strict cancellation and adjustments policy.

Clients are sent a reminder 72hrs before an appointment which asks clients to confirm their attendance. 

No shows or cancellations less than this time will result in the following charges. 

50% charge for less than 72hrs notice.

100% charge for no notice or notice past the appointment time.

Time and adjustments.

Clients are asked to politely provide notice for any appointment adjustments by the client that shorten or lengthen the booked appointment time. Reminder emails are sent 72hrs prior to the appointment with timings and pricing displayed.  The price on the email or text message is the minimum a client will be charged if no notice of adjustments by the client is given. 

Once the appointment time is passed without notice or notice is given last minute to cancel the appointment by the client. The stylist / beautician will check that the reminder emails / texts were sent and proceed to the appropriate charges accepted by the client upon appointment confirmation. 

The salon trusts that when the client confirms their appointment that all information is correct and takes no responsibility for incorrect emails, phone numbers or out dated information.


Clients are reminded that colouring is a science and not a paint. It can be affected by past colouring, damage, incorrect aftercare and many other variables.

Please remember that bringing pictures is to provide an idea for the stylist, not an exact copy. Please attend with an open mind as bringing celebrity hair can be unrealistic as this may have taken a solid 24hrs or multiple sessions with an unlimited budget to complete

All clients have different natural lightness, tones, previous hair colouring and other factors which need to be considered to determine and end result. Sometimes removing previous colour or lightening from dark base levels may take multiple appointments if the hair will allow this without excessive damage. For best results with colour changes book a day rate. 

Our colour prices are by the hour. Some colours require more time than others.

Please let your stylist know if you are wanting a change to see if you require more time.

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